
Year 5 – Dyslexia

Fiona has been working with my daughters for a few years now. She has worked closely with them both, addressing their individual needs whilst being a constant source of support to me throughout.

My youngest daughter has been on an incredible journey since meeting Fiona. A was struggling at school and having a hard time coming to terms with being dyslexic, this impacted her ability to manage her behaviour and emotions at home. We have worked through a series of exercises to release retained reflexes; this is not an easy process and at times A regressed.

Fiona has been fully supportive and worked collaboratively with us to find the right exercises. We are also following the audio therapy programme, I really like the fact that you can actually see the results plotted on a graph at each assessment, it’s incredible to watch the change. A has also benefited from therapy and interventions for her dyslexia. Visual perception, sequential, memory, vision therapy, alpha to omega…. A’s recent end of year report comments that she has made the most progress in her year, I do not think this would have been possible without Fiona.

Fiona works hard to make a connection with the children, she has a brilliant relationship with my girls, she listens, gains their trust, and makes learning fun.

Working with Fiona has been life changing, she has been an invaluable support and a huge source of knowledge on every aspect of my children’s development. My daughters have very different needs and presenting problems.

Fiona has educated me on what is available and the best ways to work with schools to get the most for my children.

Year 3 - Dyslexic child

The change in E over the space of a year under the careful guidance and support of Fiona has been incredible. When she first started E was very hesitant to read and was way below her age. When I talked to Fiona about what we should do she encouraged me to think what you need to be able to do to read.

Fiona taught me you need to be able to see the words, hear the words and your brain needs to be able to connect these. Repeating phonics wouldn’t help if E couldn’t see or hear the words.

Fiona identified the areas E struggled with relating to vision – orientation (direction of the letter) and tracking (ability to be able to follow the letters from left to right) and the visual stress she had. We then did a series of fun activities which Ellie loved to do and we could see progress as parents.

We also did a variety of bilateral movement which help E to access her right and left part of her brain. At the same time, we did the Johannson auditory therapy. I kid you not in the space of a year E went from not reading reception level books to being able to read short chapter book. I think she jumped 5 or 6 book levels. More importantly for me was she was happy and able to access the language around her.

Year 11 student – with Dyspraxia, Dyslexia and Dysgraphia diagnosis

Fiona has worked with my 15-year-old son G, on a monthly basis, for the past two years.

G was diagnosed with dyspraxia at the age of twelve and Fiona’s help, expertise and recommendations have been invaluable and life-changing for my son.

He has benefitted greatly from the Johansons Music Therapy and other exercises and activities set by Fiona to complete at home. As a result of this G is happier, confident and able to function in a much more organised manner.

He is changing schools for sixth form and Fiona is now helping him to prepare for this transition. Over the last two years G has built up a close relationship with Fiona and that forms a key part of his therapy. He trusts her, listens to her and respects the fact that his opinion is asked for and discussed at every stage.

Fiona is approachable, extremely knowledgeable and very professional in every way. We are so grateful to know and work with her.

Year 8 – Dyslexia and Anxiety

Fiona has worked closely with my eldest daughter M, she has worked on her sensory and emotional development, helping build her confidence and resilience.

M struggles with anxiety and Fiona has worked closely with both M and I to manage her progress and adapt the daily exercises to her individual needs, response, sensitivity to them. M is also working through the audio therapy programme, retained reflexes, although quite differently to my other daughter A, Fiona offers a bespoke treatment plan for each child.

Fiona has worked closely with me and school and helped to navigate a path forward for Molly when struggling with the adjustment to starting secondary school, flexi schooling, school refusal.

The unique gift that Fiona has is her ability to think outside of the box – a combination of empathy, emotional intelligence, professional and experienced – that she has so many pools of experience to draw from, head teacher, dyslexic therapy and interventions, special needs, emotional, anxiety, hypnotherapy, adoption, abuse and trauma.

Rather than having to go to a series of individual experts who work from their individual areas of expertise Fiona has the ability to explore multiple areas to work holistically with the child. Fiona also has a wealth of contacts and highly regarded specialists at her fingertips to draw on and direct you should there be something further needed. Counsellors, assessors, tutors……child protection

Year 7 student – Working with releasing reflexes and supporting transition to secondary school

 Fiona helped my whole family when we were in crisis during lockdown. She helped my son open up about his worries about school, and she worked directly with school to get him help. He now feels that he is being listened to and he enjoys his visits to her. Fiona is very thoughtful and uses her extensive experience and knowledge of developmental trauma and working in specialist schools. She looks at the root causes of problems, working on primitive retained reflexes. It has taken me a long time to find a therapist I can trust with my family and I have confidence that Fiona will continue to support us in the long term.

Year 5 student

I am so glad that I found someone like Fiona to help me with L struggling to read. When we first started working with Fiona, he was in Year 4 and a Year 1 reader. We started with working on releasing his reflexes and then went on to do Johansen sound therapy and visual perception therapy. We both love her sessions and have both learnt how using a different method has helped L switch things on to help him learn to read.

Year 2 Adoption – Primitive Retained Reflexes

Fiona was recommended to us by a friend who thought she may be able to help our adopted daughter with her physical, emotional and learning difficulties. After an assessment Fiona found that she had retained reflexes due to her past traumas. Fiona explained what these reflexes were and began work to slowly release them straight away. We are constantly astounded by the progress she has made in such a short time.

She no longer falls over and walks into things, her tantrums and episodes of self-harm have decreased dramatically and, after three years of no progression at school she has jumped up seven

“M” – Aged 12

Fiona is very loving, and she has helped me with my work at school and my fears. I went on a school residential in year 6 with Fiona’s help which I would never have done without her.

I don’t like the exercises, but she gives you chocolate and sweets. I like her appointments and most of the time look forward to them. Fiona understands me, unlike most people.

“A” – Year 5

Fiona is very kind, and she helps a lot with school, and I find school work, a lot easier. Its helped me when I got angry the exercises are a pain to do everyday, but they help me.